Time for referendum
I REFER to correspondence on stage two of the Pacific Events Centre and Noel Robinson’s appeal we look after future generations by approving this venture.
Mr Robinson may be in a position to give money to this but there are many people around Manukau who cannot afford $394.
Frankly, the city council has no mandate to invest in private enterprise and I’m surprised this is still being discussed.
We were bullied into the Pacific Events Centre by Messrs Curtis and Robinson despite feedback from the community being against it.
I would suggest a voting slip be included with the next rates notice asking ratepayers to vote on stage two.
Ratepayers could then return it with their payment and the votes be counted, so the council gets a mandate.
Would the mayor go ahead on this basis and according to the ratepayers’ votes – and would Mr Robinson be willing to accept this?
Don Barker, Howick