Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Interesting Line up in Mangere

Looks like things are going to get interesting in the race for the socialist stronghold of Mangere. William Sio who was on the Manukau City Council for two terms and now a Labour Party list MP is duking it out with another Manukau councillor’s brother Jerry, brother of Alf Filipaina. To make things even more interesting Arthur Anae former National MP & also a Manukau City councillor will also contest the seat.

They will be going up against Phillip Field the incumbent MP who was formerly with Labour and is now an independent. Field may not get to the starting line in this race as he has his on going problems facing 15 counts of bribery and 25 counts of attempting to pervert justice.

The only one missing from this intriguing line up (no pun intended) is Labour party stalwart, James Papa’ili found guilty of 15 counts of fraud while a Manukau City councillor.

One thing is for sure, they’ll all be working harder than a Thai tiler in Samoa to win the seat.

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